Welcome to the Blessed Unlimited Blog!

It’s more about being unafraid than it is about being right. It’s more about creating good habits than it is about winning. It’s more about what’s been learned than what is inherently known. It’s more about you than it is about me. Welcome to the Blessed Unlimited blog. The first blog that will serve as a case study in coaching, parenting, training, and branding your children in the world of sports as premiere student athletes. Where we hope to use our life story of successes and failures as motivation and lessons to encourage you to pursue your own dreams as we pursue ours.

Let me start by introducing our family. My oldest son, Myles “Five Star” Simmons, is currently 13, going into the 8th grade, and is taking his first high school course this summer. His brother, Brysen “B-Fye” Wright, is currently 8, going into the 4th grade, and will spend this summer working out of 4th grade textbooks. And myself, Colby Wright, high school teacher, coach, trainer, and youth development program president.

Myles, Colby, Brysen. 4th of July

As you can easily see in the photo, my children’s large age difference cannot be seen due to their similarities in height. They also have matching opposite personalities lol. It’s those differences as athletes and with their personalities that make what we have accomplished worth sharing and discussing.

I decided to take part in this blog journey to share a story that hasn’t been narrated before, not from the beginning. To encourage others to pursue their dreams without inhibitions. To share knowledge, lessons, strategies, wins, losses, drills, and our best habits. To provide teachable and motivational moments for parents, coaches, kids, athletes, artists, or anyone pursuing their passion. You dream doesn’t have be the same as ours to apply some of our principles or philosophies. Additionally, many of the moments we have along the way won’t solely be our own. We are excited to highlight and share the stories and successes of others we encounter. We have done it a few times previously on our Instagram account and will continue to do so more.

When you visit our site you won’t just get the what or the highlights, you will get the why or the how. Why did we play soccer for example? Ask anyone who has ever talked to me about my children and they will tell you my favorite sport that they have played is soccer. My first love is football, but I preferred to watch them play soccer. As a sport, soccer is the only sport that teaches you how to really use your feet at a young age. It’s also the most subtle method to get your children in shape without running suicides or laps. As a parent and a coach, I know very little about soccer so it was easier for me to just be dad and film without critiquing.  It didn’t hurt that they were actually pretty good also. I only regret that I wasn’t able to work it into our family schedule for Brysen to be able to play it longer. Myles’ good hips and feet I attribute partially to his time playing soccer.

2015 soccer season mini mix

That video is just one of many that is posted on our YouTube channel. There you will get the highlights. Here, every Tuesday, you will get the real story, the process, the journey. It may be  a story about one of their championships, our strategy on how we handle the summer, a drill on how to play safety, a motivational quote or lesson, etc. For example, one of my favorite stories about Myles is from his 2nd year of tackle football. He was 6 and was playing QB on his football team. (Sidenote: He wanted to play RB but I told him he was too slow. He better play QB and get a couple carries.) Smart kid, he was a solid QB. I can be brutally honest with my kids sometimes but I do it with good intentions.

So here is the scenario. Myles’ team is tied 6-6 and there are about 8 secs to go in the game. His coach calls a QB keeper and Myles takes off right up the middle. He breaks through the 1st two levels of the defense with ease and finds himself with one man to beat. He tries to just run away from the kid but the kid wraps him up and takes him to the ground. He’s just not fast enough to get away and the game ends in a 6-6 bittersweet tie. We talk about that play of course and what he could’ve done differently. What moves he could have made to make him miss. But one of the most important lessons I attempt to consistently instill is, “You find a way to get the job done. No excuses.” That’s what they great ones do. They do things all the time on the court or field that we just don’t understand how they did it. They somehow find a way.

Well, Myles has always been a fast learner. The following week we found ourselves in a 12-12 tie with a few minutes to go in the game. His coach called a QB keeper again and Myles breaks loose with one kid to beat. To this day, I do not know where the strength came from, but Myles hit this kid with the greatest “Truck Stick” I’ve ever seen. He ran the other team’s safety over on his way to the end zone and a game clinching touchdown. The other team got the ball back with less than a minute to go and wasn’t able to score. His team won 18-12. Definitely a super proud and encouraging day in our house.

Picture of Myles’ game winning TD. The kid he ran over is back around the 15 yd line.

That day wasn’t his first great moment, and it certainly was not his last. One of many great days he and his brother will continue to have along their journey. A journey we are blessed to share together. A journey we will pursue without fear and inhibitions. Are you curious to see more? Interested to learn how we have planned and prepared this journey? Follow along here or on social media and you are guaranteed to find a few tips, strategies, lessons, or motivation you can take away and apply to your own journey. Engage with us on this journey. We want to hear from you! Comment below and share with friends. Until next time, B U.

“God placed the best things in life on the other side of fear.”

Will Smith

Are you letting fear or the opinions of others stopping you from pursuing your ultimate dream? What fear can you conquer today, it doesn’t matter how big or small?